28 Jul2015


On this day, Khaishen Trading Sdn Bhd have engaged with a renowned Quality Management Firm in Malaysia to guide us in launching the Continuous Improvement programme (CIP). The overall objective of CIP is to adopt the concept of QUALITY through continual improvement, as we believe that the continued customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal of a Total Quality Management system (TQM)

CIP is not only about getting certification from HACCP, ISO9001:2015 and GMP certification bodies. It helps to achieve TQM by providing our management of all levels and employees from different department with:

  • Clear expectations;
  • The tools to do their job;
  • Prompt and actionable feedback on their performance;
  • Improving efficiency and reducing waste;
  • Ultimately improving the company and product quality.

Doubtlessly, with these practiced diligently, CIP will help us to develop a professional culture and better employee morale into a habit; a tradition, but not just an act. With all these, it will push us to make a quantum leap towards achieving International Quality Recognition.

Our Slogan for CIP is

"W E    S O W    Q U A L I T Y,    Y O U    R E A P    E X C E L L E N C Eā€

Get in Touch

(603)-6120 6171


PT31116, Jalan Rawang,Taman Selayang Baru, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor, Malaysia.